Business makes an average of $2 in revenue for every $1 spent on Adwords.
The top 3 paid ad spots get 41% of the clicks on the page.
An ad in the first search position has an average CTR of more than 7%
Qualified, Certified, Dedicated and Experienced Team
Real Reporting that Matters
We provide you with detailed analysis and business metrics that matters to you most. Unlike other agencies that just provide you with numbers directly provided by the Google Adowrds or Bing ads platform, we do lots of scrubbing on that data and provide key parameters that are valuable to your business and drive your bottom line – click to close ratio
Socialmbuzz claims to be your Best-in-Class PPC Advertising Partner
There are lots of PPC advertising agencies available in the market claiming to provide you with perfect results but we at Socialmbuzz ensure along with perfection you receive the most returns out of your advertising budget. All of these below makes us your preferred online advertising partner :
Industry Experience
We have experience in executing campaigns for wide range of industries – real estate, travel & leisure, hotel, education, software and high-tech. Unlike other agencies who shares one resource across multiple industries, we provide an expert dedicated to your own specific industry. We understand your industry is unique with its own rules and One size does not fit that.
Fast, Smart and Flexible Communication
And, We Say No Too
We have extensive experience in executing multiple campaigns across platforms and across industries. We understand what may work and what not. While we understand your business goals and objective, we dont commit to any unrealistic target – say, double the reveneue with $3,000 advertising budget. We take pride in being transparent and let you know what is achievable.